The nursery is open Monday to Friday 9.30AM to 4PM. You are welcome to browse the areas open to the public within these times, but if you want help and advice please book an appointment to ensure someone is available to help.

The abbreviations used for Root Condition have the following meaning:

CG = Container Grown – Can usually be handled by two strong people… although the number that follows this represents the volume of the container in litres (the higher the number the bigger and heavier the container).

CRB = Containerised Root Ball – This is where the plant has been lifted from the ground in its growing soil and potted. These plants are very heavy and usually need some form of mechanical handling.

RB = Root Balled – This is a plant supplied during the dormant winter period as a specimen dug up in its growing soil, which is then encased in hessian and wire to enable transportation. These plants are very heavy and usually need some form of mechanical handling.

BR = Bare Root – This is a plant supplied during the dormant winter period as a specimen dug up without soil and supplied with the roots bagged to prevent drying out. Although light and easy to lift they require careful aftercare to ensure success.