Fuchsia 'Genii'
Fuchsia 'Genii'
Fuchsia 'Genii' (Hardy Fuchsia) is an erect medium-sized deciduous shrub with handsome, small, golden leaves and traditional purple and cerise fuchsia flowers from early summer until the first frosts.This fuchsia grows up to 90cm tall and wide. A full sun to part shade lover, this plant is best grown in moist, fertile, well-drained soils. Provide a deep winter mulch and shelter from cold drying winds. Plant as a specimen and is perfect for beds and borders, wall-side borders, coastal gardens. In early to mid-spring cut back the previous year's flowering stems to within one or two buds of the older woody framework. Also remove any thin, weak or dead growth. This stimulates development of strong new growth on which flowers will be produced in late summer. Watch for rust, capsid bug and caterpillars.
Supplied in a 36ltr container.