The nursery is open Monday to Friday 9.30AM to 4PM. You are welcome to browse the areas open to the public within these times, but if you want help and advice please book an appointment to ensure someone is available to help.

Showing 25–48 of 175 results

Beauty Bush Pink Cloud

Beauty Bush Pink Cloud

Kolkwitzia Pink Cloud

From £90.00 per plant

Beech hedge plants, with nursery worker walking beside them


Fagus sylvatica

200 - 250cm

From £148.00 per plant

Beech tree

Fagus sylvatica - tree

From £175.00£269.00 per plant

Black Elder

Black Elder

Sambucus Black Lace

100 - 150cm

From £96.00£7,993.00 per plant

Bridal wreath

Bridal Wreath

Spiraea cinerea Grefsheim

75 - 125cm

From £86.00 per plant

Butterfly Bush

Butterfly bush

Buddleia Black Knight

125 - 175cm

From £93.00 per plant

Butterfly bush

Butterfly Bush

Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red'

From £93.00 per plant

Ceanothus Concha

Ceanothus Concha

Ceanothus Concha

From £93.00 per plant

Ceanothus Skylark

Ceanothus Skylark

From £93.00 per plant

Cheals Weeping Cherry

Cheals Weeping Cherry

Prunus 'Kiku-shidare-zakura

From £205.00£244.00 per plant

Mature Cherry Laurel tree - a row of trees

Cherry Laurel tree

Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia tree

From £210.00£348.00 per plant

Chinese birch tree

Chinese Birch

Betula albosinensis 'Fascination'

From £224.00£264.00 per plant

Chinese dogwood

Chinese Dogwood

Cornus kousa Chinensis

From £179.00 per plant


Common Lilac

Syringa Katherine Havermeyer

100 - 175cm

From £100.00£124.00 per plant



Thuja Occidentalis Smaragd

150 - 300cm

From £165.00£175.00 per plant

Copper Beech

Copper Beech - Purple Beech

Fagus Sylvatica Purpurea

From £193.00£999.00 per plant

Coral Bark Maple Tree

Coral Bark Maple Tree

Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku'

From £206.00 per plant

Cotoneaster standard tree - Cotoneaster cornubia


Cotoneaster frigidus Cornubia

From £108.00£224.00 per plant

Cotoneaster Cornubia plants

Cotoneaster Cornubia

Cotoneaster frigidus Cornubia

From £98.00 per plant

Cotoneaster Franchettii

Cotoneaster Franchettii

Cotoneaster Franchettii

100 - 150cm

From £79.00 per plant

Crab apple trees

Crab Apple

Malus Evereste

From £192.00£544.00 per plant

Crab Apple

Malus Red Sentinel

From £185.00£268.00 per plant

Crab apple malus rudolph

Crab Apple

Malus Rudolph

From £176.00£248.00 per plant

Crab apple toringo Scarlet

Crab apple toringo Scarlet

Malus toringo Scarlet

From £205.00£268.00 per plant

This is where you can browse products in this store.