You're welcome to visit, but for advice and service please book an appointment. Thank you.

To help you make the most of your garden, or landscaping project, we will come to you for a consultation on site so that we can fully appreciate your needs, the particular issues involved, and to understand your vision.

Then we will, together, find the best possible plant and design options to help you to transform your landscape, whatever your budget, regardless of whether it is for a small domestic garden or for a large-scale commercial or estates project.

We do charge a site visit fee dependent upon your location but this will be deducted from the calculated planting price pre-quote so that, if you proceed with us planting your project, you won’t be out of pocket for the site visit (terms and conditions apply, ask for details/clarification at time of booking). Geographical/distance limitations may apply. Site visit fee includes guideline, sketched planting plans (if required) only.