Fastigiate Hornbeam Frans Fontaine
Carpinus betulus Frans Fontaine
A very narrow columnar selection of our native Hornbeam that maintains its shape throughout its life. This cultivar is also of value as an avenue tree where spread space is limited. Its upright habit makes it ideal as an accent point in a planting scheme, or for use as screening where height is required but space is limited. It has golden yellow autumn foliage colour and, like its parent, is tolerant of damp sites. Ultimate height around 10 metres.
A tree with an attractive columnar habit, useful for formal work in small spaces and for avenues. Like normal Hornbeam it is good for damp soils and in exposed sites. Unlike normal Hornbeam, Frans Fontaine does not retain any brown leaves in winter.
Usually in stock as container trees from about 12cm to 18cm girth, as either "feathered" (branches all the way up) or "standard" (clear stem of about 180cm) trees.